Exterior Painters Tip: Be Mold and Mildew-Free Before Summer

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Check Your Kitchen For Ingredients Want to banish mold and mildew from your deck, siding and trim before it becomes hot and humid, particularly if you plan to do a little interior and exterior painting as part of your summer activities? Here is our exterior painters tip: Nothing that a cup of bleach, a cup of white vinegar and a gallon of water cannot solve. Mix them and apply the solution with a sponge or scrubber over gloved hands, making sure you do not drip any on plants or shrubs. An e...

Exterior Painters Tip: Keep Leaks Away From Your Homes

Check The Outer Joints Of Your Homes Whether you are preparing for the coming of summer or next winter, it’s always a good idea to check the outer joints of your homes where various materials converge. SPPI expert exterior painters would advise that you should make sure there are no cracks or openings that can lead to leaks and ruin the paint on your walls, ceilings and even floors. Keep water and hot air leak, and insect incursion away during the summer months, or cold air leaks during win...

Commercial Painters at their Peak: Commercial Painting in Spring

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Commercial Painting in Spring Commercial painters are at the peak of their occupation in springtime. Commercial painting business owners, on the other hand, are fully operational particularly from the demands of business and industrial owners - regardless of how much the exterior painting cost is charged to them. This may be surprising, but business and industrial owners are very much aware that spring is the best time of year to schedule a local painting contractor. They are determin...