Why are There Cracks on My Wall Paint and What Can I Do About It?

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There are a lot of things that can happen to your paint after time has passed. One of the common issues that you may come across is noticing cracks on your wall paint. If you notice this problem, you may be wondering what you can do about it. There are quite a few different reasons why this problem occurs and understanding this can help you know how to best handle the situation and prevent it in the future. Here is everything that you need to know about cracked paint. The first th...

Do I Need to Prime the Walls Before Painting?

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Some people may think that painting is just as simple as slapping up a few layers of paint on the wall. The problem is that it is not always as simple as you may think especially when it comes to creating a professional look to the room. For instance, you may not think about priming the walls before you start a paint job. Priming is such an important step of the painting process, but a lot of people think that they can just skip this part. Here is everything that you need to know ...